5 ways we build better B2B matches with Demandbase
Valentine’s Day is coming. But fear not. This isn’t a Valentine’s post. Not really, anyway.
Call it convenient timing or post-Christmas rom-com withdrawal, but as we enter this February, matchmaking and a strong passion for account-based marketing (ABM) are in the air at Quarry.
As you may know, we recently made a very important new match with Demandbase—the definitive leader in ABM platforms.1 And we’re excited that our shared clients will be able to leverage our new partnership to uncover some powerful matches of their own. Here are the top 5.
1. Matching fit with intent to identify and prioritize key buyers
Know your audience. It’s something every great live performer will tell you. The same goes for the most successful B2B marketers. When you can successfully match the “fit” of a product/service with a customer’s “intent” to purchase, you’ve hit the sweet spot. And now with Demandbase, this important match will happen far more quickly and easily for our shared clients.
To determine fit at Quarry, we typically look to establish the ideal account profile (IAP), combining both qualitative and quantitative research. Now we can leverage Demandbase to match fit with intent and determine which accounts are currently researching topics of interest that align with our clients’ product or service offerings.
Accounts where fit matches intent represent buyers who are more likely to purchase now. And these are the perfect prospects to prioritize for account-based campaigns.
2. Matching data science with experience design to craft insightful, engaging and personalized experiences
Play to your audience. Because Demandbase allows us to see what topics our customers’ ideal accounts are surging on, we can now link that data science to a more crafted user experience. Call it the intersection of left side and right side. Or science meets art. Or mass meets personal. But this is where things really start to get fun.
Knowing what interests our buyers is extremely advantageous, and can directly inform the type of experience we want them to have or how we want to “play” to them. From personalized messaging, to curated content assets, to developing dynamic and purposeful digital experiences, we are well equipped to craft ABM campaigns that will resonate with buyers. Plus, we can optimize campaign delivery and pacing across accounts to maximize performance.
Knowing what interests our buyers is extremely advantageous, and can directly inform the type of experience we want them to have.
3. Matching leads with accounts to give a fuller view of buyers who are engaging
Know who you’re talking to. ABM requires a shift in both mindset and strategic implementation. One of the big challenges is that leads—typically owned by Marketing—do not roll up to actual accounts in most customer relationship management systems (CRMs).
What does this mean, exactly? Potentially, you could have thousands of leads in your database, but you have no simple way of tying them to the right company in your marketing automation platform (MAP) or CRM. So leads don’t get routed to the right account owner, scoring is often inaccurate and customers receive lackluster experiences—which can be a real hindrance if your goal is to create a highly targeted and personalized ABM campaign.
Demandbase’s technology tackles this problem head-on. Using advanced methods to help automate lead-to-account matching (L2A), marketers are equipped to deliver better customer experiences, optimize lead management processes, gain greater account insights and ultimately improve sales productivity.
Marketers are equipped to deliver better customer experiences.
4. Matching strong leads with decision makers to pinpoint the buying committee
REALLY know who you’re talking to. Accounts lists are important. Leads are important. But understanding who the actual decision makers are and being able to laser-focus on the key players who comprise buying committees within an organization—that’s gold.
Demandbase allows us to further strengthen Quarry’s commitment to Challenger marketing by monitoring content consumption behaviors across the web, using artificial intelligence (AI) to discover and discern engagement patterns.
Demandbase then allows us to identify leads that have a high likelihood of being a decision maker or stakeholder for a given account, which means we can further target them in extremely focused and personalized ways.
Being able to laser-focus on the key players who comprise buying committees within an organization—that’s gold.
5. Matching Sales with Marketing to empower the full marketing journey and sales cycle
Let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. And vice versa.
It’s no secret. Aligning Sales and Marketing throughout a sales cycle can be a B2B exercise in patience. It’s not about playing the blame game of who’s not talking to whom. But it is a challenge, and one that our new partnership will better enable us to address for our shared clients.
Demandbase’s ABM platform helps bring Marketing and Sales together in sync to provide a shared and ongoing understanding of priority accounts. This shared vantage will help Quarry empower Sales and Marketing to work in tandem to build targeted and coordinated account plays that ensure a consistent and personalized message is being delivered.
And because we can now provide greater insights to Sales on how their accounts are engaging with marketing initiatives, Sales will be better equipped to have meaningful and relevant conversations with potential buyers.
Matchmaker, matchmaker…
Our clients demand best-of-breed partners—at the agency level and at the technology platform level. We’re thrilled to join forces with another market leader in the B2B community, and we look forward to helping tech marketers win at ABM.
Oh, and happy Valentine’s Day, if you celebrate that sort of thing.